
Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Dick Whittington- Village Panto 2011

It is an incredibly long time ago now but Panto went off beautifully.  It was a hilarious week for all concerned (audience, cast and crew!).  I was so proud of my two performers and the Parrot held up pretty well!

I designed the sets and painted most of them with a small team of incredible helpers and they seemed to be well received too. I have asked them to choose a panto without so many scenes next year though (five full backcloths, four partial ones plus flats was a tall order and had to be started in October!)

Olde London Towne!

Action Parrot -Take 1
Alderman Fitzwarren's Kitchen...and some unusual sausages!

All singing, all dancing Parrot (and Hubby!)
Action Parrot-Take 3
All aboard the HMS Lollipop!
Waiting nervously in the wings.
The Sultan's Palace

In the Jungle
The FANTASTIC back stage crew!

Anyway, as promised, some action shots courtesy of our show photographers...


fairy thoughts said...

looks great, but who had more fun the audience or the cast?

Vicky said...

Looks like everyone had a great time!